This morning I woke up to my 11-year-old son saying he really does not want to go back to school. He shared with me his fears of catching Covid-19 from one of his friends or teachers. This hit me like a ton of bricks only because I shared the same fears and frustration. I know my son and I was not the only persons dealing with the fear and anxiety of returning back to normal life after Thanksgiving break. We spent our Thanksgiving quiet with only our family feeling safe and secure.
If you are struggling with what I call the “POST-THANKSGIVING COVID-19 BLUES" 😂, I would like to encourage you to do these five things recommend by the CDC.
Child care programs that remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic should address these additional considerations:
Implement social distancing strategies
Intensify cleaning and disinfection efforts
Modify drop off and pick up procedures
Implement screening procedures upon arrival
Maintain an adequate ratio of staff to children to ensure safety. Plan ahead and recruit those with child care experience to ensure you have a roster of substitute caregivers who can fill in if your staff members are sick or stay home to care for sick family members.
When feasible, staff members and older children should wear masks within the facility. Masks should NOT be put on babies and children under age two because of the danger of suffocation.
Online Featured Course
Communicable Diseases including Immunization
Description This course focuses on how to effectively prevent the spread of communicable diseases within your childcare centers, along with highlighting immunizations. Credits: 2 Clock Hours/.2CEUs
Cost: $9.00